
Showing posts from August, 2012

Getting Happy

Somebody I used to know once told me she thought happiness was overrated. I've thought about that statement for going on a dozen years now, and I think she was wrong. Well, I think she was talking about pleasure, about following one's desire, about gratification--and all of these are different from happiness. Not only is happiness not overrated, I don't believe it is rated nearly highly enough on our collective list of priorities. I was recently on a long, 9-hour drive from Atlanta to South Florida when I began running through my usual thoughts: money, work, goals, writing, weight. I was even running scripts through my mind of events that I envisioned happening so that I would have a ready response. For example, I pictured a scenario in which my boss asks me to assume additional duties at work. I was amazing myself at my sardonic, pointed remarks to her. Then I thought to myself, "I have a 9-hour drive and I am going to sit here and make myself miserable the whole tim...